
Implementation Of Virtual Classroom Using Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

R. O.oluwafemi


Real-time activities have been one of the driving force of active distance learning platform for delivery of events. Learning classroom and facilities, over the years has not increased proportional to the number of students admitted yearly into the university, this has led to jam-packed lecture theatres and ill learning environment as teaching facilities such as the voice system, writing board, the lecture room and the likes are not sufficient enough to teach the large number of students the university has. Most learning activities such as assignments, teaching, term paper, research work has face a lot of challenges which has in one way of the other make learning uninteresting. This project is developed to simulate the face-to-face technique of teaching into real-time platform where students and lecturers can communicate more effectively even at different locations. Leveraging on the existing technology, this system is built using the MoodleCloud platform which provide the livestreaming facility that help lectures share video, slides and give answers to student question while the video conference is going on.

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